The spiritual path is not without direction. It was one of the great insights done by Baha'u'llah that he recognised a pattern such that the different religions are corroborated and not all but one deemed false. Different positions in the Time-Space neccessitaded different expressions of the one divine truth.
Baha'u'llah is the founder of the Baha'i Faith. A position that had not just the holy books of the religions as its starting point but also methods developed by the sufi orders. From that perspective, the Baha'i Faith seems as a logical conclusion that liberates the mind from the restrictions of the former religions without giving up the core. A true messianic position! Jesus did the same. Paul did the same. You can still be a christian or a muslim and believe that Baha'u'llah is a manifestation of the messianic mind. You are not forbidden to pray five times a day just because Baha'i Faith says you not need to do it. You can still gain from the regulary praying.
Once you considered the nature of Baha'u'llah's mission, it seems to be the Great Mistake of the House of Justice to label Ali Muhammad and his followers as "The contamination of the Faith". It is not a good way to solve a conflict over the leadership and it does not rhyme with the universal brotherhood Baha'u'llah so firmly believed in. Ali Muhammad was one of the sons of Baha'u'llah, younger brother of Abdul Baha that took over the leadership after the death of Baha'u'llah. Abdul Baha said that the conflict between the brothers gained the Faith. It was necessary to give a clearer formulation of the belief system.
If you reconcile different religions and view them as parts of one whole, why not do the same with the difference among the baha'is themselves?
For the future of Baha'i it is necessary to view the role of Ali Muhammad and his followers, so important for the missionary work in India, in another light and admit that the labeling of them as a contamination of the faith was a great mistake. Otherwise it is impossible for many people to join the Baha'i Faith.